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Boosting Metabolism Through Food and Lifestyle

The Healthy EmployeeBoosting energy Boosting Metabolism Through Food and Lifestyle

Boosting Metabolism Through Food and Lifestyle

Everyone has a basal metabolic rate; this is the number of calories your body burns to keep alive, including breathing and maintaining the required body temperature.

There are certain foods that have been shown to boost your metabolic rate. These foods create a ‘thermic effect’, or ‘dietary induced thermogensis’. This is the amount of energy above your basal metabolism it takes to digest food. Some foods take more energy to process.

The following foods increase thermogenesis, causing your body to produce heat and burn extra energy.






Chilli peppers




Dark chocolate

Citrus fruits



Brown rice


Other lifestyle changes you can make to boost metabolism:

  • Build muscle
  • Get enough good quality sleep
  • Stand and move more
  • Do interval training
  • Drink enough water
The Healthy Employee
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