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Small Habit Changes, Big Life Improvements Part 2

The Healthy EmployeeBlood pressure & heart disease Small Habit Changes, Big Life Improvements Part 2

Small Habit Changes, Big Life Improvements Part 2

Embarking on a healthier lifestyle is what many of us strive for. Be that at the beginning of the week, month or year.

This idea can often seem daunting and unachievable. However, small changes are all that are needed in order to create a healthy lifestyle.

Implementing these simple and easy changes into your daily life will enable you to reach your goals. Whether that is to lose weight, gain energy, sleep better, or savour time with family and friends.

Small changes will ultimately lead to a happier, healthier you.

Mental health

  • If you and any of your friends or family would like to lose weight, support each other with advice and motivation – set up a group chat online or via text.
  • There is research to suggest that mindfulness and meditation help to reduce stress and anxiety. The NHS has some mental wellbeing audio guides here.
  • Set yourself achievable goals and realistic targets, expecting too much will only lead to not a perceived underachieving, dampening your mental wellness.
  • Reward an achievement – but not in the form of food. Have a day out to some where you’ve been wanting to go.
  • Maintain motivation through consistency. It takes 12 weeks for a behaviour to become a habit. If you falter, hop straight back on and don’t let any negativity fester.
  • Question why you are overeating if this is something you do. Are you bored, stressed or upset? Concentrating on solving the root cause will mean that your coping mechanism will no longer be needed.


  • Join a fitness class – perhaps something you have never tried before.
  • Try a new group hobby – have you ever considered pottery or performing arts?
  • Set up a monthly or weekly event with neighbours or colleagues – this could something simple such as a group dog walk.
  • Arrange to get out and about with friends. Swap the usual pub pit stop with short jog around the park, a scenic walk or a game of bowling.
  • Spend precious and active time with your children by embracing the simple things in life, such as football down at the park. Those are the memories we hold on to!
  • Give something back to your community by getting involved with the local council or volunteering for local events. Find out here how to volunteer in your local community and give your time to help others.

Part 3 will be on its way to you soon – what small and simple changes can you make to your environment, media access and physiology to boost your health and happiness?

The Healthy Employee
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