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Treating Food Equally

Treating Food Equally

The sabotage effect:

When wanting to lose weight, many embark on a diet that means they can’t have any of their favourite foods. Banning favourite foods is too restrictive, it’s human nature to want the things you can’t have. Cutting out the chocolate or bread will make it incredibly difficult for you to ignore your cravings. It’s only a matter of time until you crack, and when you do, you’re likely to binge on the very thing you were trying to cut out. This leads to a vicious cycle, and often why you hear people say they have been on a ‘diet’ for 20 years!


Make it realistic:

Don’t make your favourite foods your enemy – nothing should be banned. Embark on your healthy eating journey with mindfulness and moderation. This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Practice strengthening your willpower, and commit to limiting yourself to a weekly amount.

The Healthy Employee
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