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Category: Diet & mood

Dropping into a fast food outlet can happen more often than some of us would like to admit. Whilst the occasional fast food meal won’t do much damage, making it a regular habit could have some serious health consequences. Read on to find out the…

Cravings: Perhaps you need that 3pm sugar rush to get you through the remainder of the working day, or watching TV at 9pm calls for your favourite crisps. But whatever your weakness, almost all of us experience cravings on a regular basis. Manufacturers create their…

Everybody knows that eating a healthy balanced diet will help to maintain a healthy body weight and decrease your risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. However, what is commonly underestimated is the impact that a healthy diet can have on…

Mental health awareness is the health and wellbeing big-ticket item on the agenda this year. Because of this, holistically addressing wellbeing will help to make lasting and sustainable mental health improvements. Our data collection clearly shows that food affects mood and impacts on mental health….

It’s wise to choose foods that enable you to get the biggest bang for your buck. Eating foods with a high quantity and variety of nutrients will help to boost your health more than foods with little nutritional value.   KALE Vitamins C, A and…

National Picnic Week is upon us, running from 21-30 June. Although we can only hope for sunshine, we can plan for the foods we will eat. Picnics are a fantastic opportunity to try lots of new things if your foods choices are often limited. Make…

With Men’s Health Week running from 10-16 June, it’s a great opportunity to ask yourself, do you look after your health? Could you take better care of yourself? If the answer is yes, how would you begin to do so? According to a survey, 9…

Workplace health should be at the top of the priority list for each business, with the cost of an unhealthy workforce costing the economy an estimated £60 billion each year. This equates to an average business of 250 employees losing approximately £4800 per week due…

Please be aware that this blog post is NOT aimed at those who are clinically depressed or those taking medication to ease depression, but simply an aid to lifting and lightening mood and boosting energy. Mental health although of vast importance, remains to be a…

May is Global Employee Health & Fitness Month, so take the opportunity to promote healthy habits, instigate a balanced diet, plenty of exercise and boosted wellness and energy within your workplace.   What could happen if you let your health and wellness take a backseat?…

A large-scale study has found that eating up to 10 portions of fruit and vegetables each day; boosts emotional wellbeing more than securing a new job! Researchers involved in the study, which involved 50,000 participants over 6 years, stated that their findings provide further evidence…

April is Stress Awareness Month, an often taboo and difficult subject for many to address. Stress can be a difficult thing to measure, and often people struggle silently. However, what is measurable is the amount of working days lost each year, with stress, depression and…